Baby Shoot
Neel Sangwan
So what’s better than meeting up a friend at a coffee shop ? Meeting her giggling baby, of course!!!! And what’s good about that, you ask ? Enter – NEEL!!!
Just the right amount of cuteness to be a Gerber baby, this child had us wrapped around his little finger! We couldn’t get enough of his chubby cheeks, innocent eyes, impish smile and playful demeanor.
It’s not easy to have such an adorable baby because you have people coming up to you all the time and cooing about how cute he is. Of course, Neel doesn’t like too much either because people constantly want to pull his cheeks! But mommy Alina manages everything with a smile and cheerful chatter and who wouldn’t when you have the most well behaved child in town? If having babies were this easy, mothers would want a litter!
This was probably our easiest shoot … Neal knew what to do without raking up a storm and we just got our shots…one great picture after another! With some natural light from a French window, a rattle from China town, a milk bottle and mama’s love, we had a perfect shoot!
Can’t wait to see you’ll soon enough and get some Neel-lovin’,
Meraki Pictures